What is a PRP Facial? | My Experience + Before and After

Hey friends! The weather here in DC has been crazy! It’s so cold one day, then the next day you’re in shorts and a tank top. I’m praying it starts to warm up because I am so ready to be outside.

As wedding season and summer are approaching, I figured it’s time for a little self-care in order to prep. I recently started getting Dysport (similar to Botox) on a regular basis back in October and y’all. I am NEVER going back! I get it in my forehead and between my eyebrows. The lines are GONE, it’s actually magic hahah. It also gives my brows a little lift, which I love.

As you guys know, the one area that I’ve been trying to treat are my smile lines. I’ve tried using a stronger retinol (which I actually love – but not for this purpose) and other products but none of these gave me the results I wanted. I expressed this to my esthetician, Carolyn (she’s the best!), and she mentioned something called the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) facial aka the Vampire facial. The vampire facial is a cosmetic treatment that uses your own blood plasma, which is rich in platelets and growth factors, to rejuvenate the skin. 

If you are in the DC/VA area, I highly highly suggest checking out Carolyn at Tala Med. She is extremely sweet and honest about what she thinks would be best for you!


After diving into some research about the PRP facial, I was immediately intrigued and wanted to proceed! A few benefits of the facial are as follows:

Increased Collagen Production // The growth factors in PRP can help to stimulate collagen production, which can lead to firmer, smoother skin with improved elasticity.

Reduced Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles // By promoting collagen production and skin regeneration, a PRP facial can help to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Improved Skin Texture // The growth factors in PRP can also help to improve skin texture, making it look smoother and more even.

Reduced Scarring // A PRP facial can be used to help reduce the appearance of acne scars, surgical scars, and other types of scarring.

Improved Skin Hydration // The PRP used during the facial contains hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that helps to hydrate the skin and keep it looking plump and youthful.

Reduced Hyperpigmentation // The growth factors in PRP can help to reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation, leading to a more even complexion.


Before your appointment, there is a list of pre-treatment instructions that your esthetician will send you. The list is definitely longer than what I have below, but these points are the ones that stood out to me:

  • Accutane and any other photosensitizing medication should be discontinued for a period of at least 6 months prior to receiving treatment and should not be used during your course of treatment.
  • No area to be treated should receive any type of Chemical Peel for 2 weeks prior and after treatment. Retin-A, Renova, and Tazorac must not be used for 1 week prior to or after treatment.
  • Waxing and/or use of chemical depilatories must be avoided for 2 weeks prior and after the treatment. Shaving is allowed immediately before treatment and 48-72 hours after treatment as long as there is no skin irritation.

When I first arrived, I washed my face to ensure that all of my makeup was removed. We then took a few before photos before getting started! The first step was to start numbing my face. Carolyn applied a thick layer of numbing cream and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Since this was my first treatment, she went easy with the microneedling intensity. Next time, we’re going to crank up the intensity so the numbing process will take about 30 minutes.

While I was waiting for the cream to numb my face, we drew my blood. I’m a baby and always ask for a butterfly needle (that’s what they literally use on babies hahah). The facial only needed two viles, thank god.

The viles are placed in a centrifuge, a machine that spins the viles around very fast for about 15 minutes in order to separate the plasma from the red blood cells. The plasma is what will be applied to your face prior to the microneedling. 


The separated plasma (the top layer of the vile once it’s been spun) is collected in a syringe. The collected PRP is then applied to the skin, either through injection or by using a micro-needling device. The application method I went with was through a micro-needling device.

Carolyn used the device to create tiny punctures in the skin’s surface. This will allow the PRP to penetrate deeper into the skin. The PRP is absorbed into the skin, where it releases growth factors that promote cell regeneration and collagen production.

This being my first time getting the treatment done, Carolyn used .5 mm on my forehead and 2 mm on my cheeks. It was a little uncomfortable on my forehead, but it did not hurt!

As you guys know, my eyebrows are microbladed so we made sure to avoid that area. We really homed in on my smile lines and neck. I had no idea you could extend the PRP facial down to your neck! So if you’re looking to reduce tech neck lines, I would definitely look into this as a possible solution.

My face immediately turned red (which is normal), but I did not experience any bleeding.

By the time I left, the redness reduced significantly and it looked like I had a slight sunburn. Note that the severity of redness will depend on how aggressive the treatment was performed. My face was definitely tender and felt tight afterwards. Carolyn gave me a few different brightening creams and serums to use over the next 3-5 days. 

Immediately after
Immediately after

The post-treatment instructions that stuck out to me personally were the following (again, the list provided was a little longer so make sure to read through everything your esthetician sends over):

  • Do not use exfoliating medications, chemicals, or products on the treated areas for at least 1 week.
  • Hyaluronic acid should be applied directly to skin the evening of procedure. The morning after, Wash the treated area gently with a gentle cleanser or water. Apply provider directed aftercare serum as much as needed for the next 24 hours. Avoid any products with parabens, petroleum, mineral oil, silicone, cetyl alcohol, and fragrance. Do NOT use alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, retinol (vitamin A), vitamin C or anything perceived as ‘active’ skin care.
  • 24-72 hours post-treatment – mineral makeup can be applied.
  • 48-72 hours post-treatment – return to regular skin care regimen. Retinol products are strongly suggested for optimal results.
  • Sun exposure must be avoided for at least 24 hours after your treatment, preferably 1-2 weeks. If you know you will get incidental sun exposure, i.e., driving to and from work, walking from your car to the house, etc., we recommend physical avoidance of the sun in all treated areas, a protective hat and a full spectrum sun block of SPF 30 or higher.
  • No exercise that causes sweating, Jacuzzi, sauna, or steam baths if any skin irritation exists (usually first 24 hours). Sweating can be harmful due to bacterial that may cause infections and adverse outcomes. No swimming for 24 hours
Day 2
Day 2

My skin looked so glowy and youthful the next day! I was seriously shocked when I looked in the mirror hahah. I have received many compliments from friends and strangers asking if I’m wearing foundation because of how great my skin looks!

Day 3

I have also noticed a reduction in my smile lines (FINALLY)! My fiance was the one who pointed this out to me haha. I can only imagine how much they’ll reduce after the next couple of treatments. If you feel like your skin has been looking a little dull and are looking for something that will make you glow, I definitely recommend checking out the PRP facial. It’s the perfect treatment to get before a wedding or any special occasion. Additionally, it is also safe to get if you are breastfeeding – since you cannot get botox!

4 days later w/ make-up

I hope this was helpful to those thinking about getting the vampire facial! I had an amazing experience and would totally recommend. Definitely check out Carolyn and her team at Tala Med if you are in the area!

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  1. 4.27.23
    Bri said:

    Extremely thorough and exactly what I was looking for! I am expecting in September and was looking for an alternative to Botox 🙂

    • 4.28.23
      Isabel said:

      So glad this was helpful :)!